In this free 2-part training, you will learn the keys to becoming a deeply embodied woman so you can get out of your head, release hustle, endless doing, overachieving and burnout and begin to relax and melt back into the ease, nourishment and magnetism of your feminine energy. Discover tools and practices to connect with your body, turn on your eros, activate your feminine power and receive more of what you desire.
We will cover:

√ What embodiment is and how it can help you heal your wounds, shift your blocks, alchemise your emotions, access deeper pleasure and aliveness and activate your feminine power.

√ Why women have been conditioned to live from their wounded masculine energy and how it is repelling the relationships, success, fulfilment, nourishment, abundance and love they crave.

√ Tools and practices to shift out of chronic disembodiment and nervous system dysregulation so you can start to reconnect with and inhabit your body.

√ How to heal your wounded feminine patterns and reclaim your healthy, empowered mature feminine energy so you can become magnetic to your desires.

√ The key pillars of being an embodied woman and how to integrate them into your life. 

√ How to break cycles of external seeking, proving and pleasing and experience deeper confidence, wholeness, self-worth, self-love, self-trust and power from within.

The Details:

The Embodied Woman is a live 2-day online training that includes a 90-minute Masterclass and a 60-minute guided Feminine Embodiment Session 🌹🍯💦

The Embodied Woman Masterclass
When: [AUS] Tuesday 22nd October 7am AEST, 8am AEDT
[USA] Monday 21st October 2pm PT | 5pm ET
[UK] Monday 21st October 10pm BST
Guided Embodiment Session
When: [AUS] Wednesday 23rd October 7am AEST, 8am AEDT
[USA] Tuesday 22nd October 2pm PT | 5pm ET
[UK] Tuesday 22nd October 10pm BST

All sessions will be recorded and replays will be available.

Why I created this training:
Our modern-day, busy lives have left us with an epidemic of depleted, burned-out, unfulfilled and disembodied women 🥀
Women who are stuck in their heads, operating from their masculine energy and are lost in cycles of endless doing, overachieving, hustling, pushing forward, over-giving, pleasing others and proving themselves.
Women who are experiencing a deep disconnection from their feminine qualities of nourishment, embodiment, flow, softness, receptivity, intuition, vulnerability, trust, creativity, sensuality and magnetism.
Women who are feeling exhausted, dysregulated, overwhelmed, under-nourished and deprived of what they truly crave.
The missing piece for so many women is a connection to their body.

Because a woman's power, wisdom, magnetism, aliveness and feminine energy is found in her body 🔥

When a woman is disconnected from her body, she is disconnected from the fullness of who she is here to be. She is cut off from her aliveness, nourishment, pleasure, radiance, intuition, joy and magnetism.

What we truly desire to feel as women, is not going to be found in doing and achieving more

It is going to be found in returning to ourselves, our body, our felt-sense experience of life and the wellspring of abundant shakti lifeforce that resides within us as women 💦

It is time for women to return to their feminine nature and discover a new way of living. One that allows them to feel relaxed, nourished and fulfilled as they create, magnetise and receive all that they desire.

And I am here to show you how in The Embodied Woman.

This training is for you if:

√ You often feel stuck in your mind and your thoughts and you find it hard to get into your body. 

√ You find it hard to process or be with your emotions and feelings and you tend to try to analyse them, fix them, numb out or avoid them altogether.

√ You feel disconnected from your pleasure, joy, aliveness, sensuality, inner wisdom and power as a woman.

√ You would love to learn some nourishing practices, rituals and tools to connect with your body, your heart, your womb and your feminine so you can feel grounded and nourished. 

√ You spend a lot of time in 'doing-mode', working, achieving and ticking items off the to-do list and you've become disconnected from your feminine essence.

√ You want to become more magnetic to what you truly desire and expand your capacity to receive and hold what you want. 

Meet Your Host:

Connie Chapman is a Women's Life Coach, Feminine Embodiment Facilitator and host of the Awaken Radio podcast.

For the past 11 years, through her Coaching Programs and Online Courses, she has supported thousands of women on their path of deep healing, power reclamation, self-liberation and feminine embodiment.

Her mission is to help women reclaim their divine feminine energy and build a loving relationship with themselves, so they can feel confident, worthy, whole and empowered from within and become magnetic to the life and relationships they desire. 

Connie's unique approach combines her intuitive wisdom with transformational coaching, subconscious reprogramming, somatic healing and embodiment work to create deep, lasting change.

Connect with Connie:
Instagram: @connie_chapman

(c) 2024 Connie Chapman
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